
Remembering Aaron NØWAR

[ Written by Bud WØRMT, Dave WD0HDR, Bucky WØSUN ] Aaron Steven Cathcart, 51 | N0WAR/SK June 26, 1972 to June 5, 2024 Amateur Radio lost a very active ambassador recently. Aaron Cathcart N0WAR was a self titled Ham Radio Super Freak. He was also the originator of the Ham Radio Group called “Super Freq”. […]


XLX303 New in 2024!

December 31, 2023 – New Years Eve – 12-31-23 (123123)– by Bucky, W0SUN A lot of exciting things are happening in 2024! First, we’ve moved the Digital Learning Net from SKYHUBLINK to COLORADO-HD. This actually makes sense for the main reason that the DLN (Digital Learning Net) group calls Talkgroup 31088 XLX303-D home when we […]