You’ve found your way to the web home of Colorado Digital. We are a group of digital amateur radio enthusiasts who experiment with, build, and maintain a system of multiprotocol talkgroups. We bridge together D-STAR, DMR, YSF (C4FM), WIRES-X, NXDN, P25, and other stuff under different talkgroups, helping to make it possible for amateurs to talk to each other no matter what digital mode they are using. We are not a traditional club, though we do have a club callsign (W0CDM).
We specialize in using hotspots and other personal access points to these systems, but of course we use terrestrial repeaters as well. Be sure to check out our blog section for posts from our group, and our net page for information on the different nets that use our system. Also join our Telegram Group which carries a lot of useful conversation.
The hub of our system is an XLX server, XLX303. Please check back regularly as we are always changing the configuration, building out new links, and optimizing the bridges. Here is the current configuration:

You can connect to XLX303 using YSF 30300. This will default into Module D. To change modules, use WIRES-X commands or change your transmit DG-ID. The DG-IDs for each module can be seen on the Modules Page. We really encourage you to use YSF to connect directly since we have upgraded XLX303 to v2.5.2. We have phased out the standalone YSF reflectors 31088 and 31083 as they were redundant.